Monday, January 28, 2013

Blue Corn

pen and ink drawing
by Rosa Phoenix

The Hopi people have a story, that when all the races of people were created, each were allowed to choose their own food. The Hopi waited until the end, to make their choice, and chose the smallest ear of corn. The Creator told them that they had chosen wisely, for they had chosen the "true food." 

The Hopi still plant and grow corn on their land in Arizona today. The blue corn they cultivate is more nutritious than other varieties of corn.

A page in my sketchbook. 

When you draw, you learn to see how beautiful and miraculous the simplest things are.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More or Less

me and a furry friend 

It's a new spin around the Sun again.

Here we are again, in the same point on the same orbit, beginning the cycle again.

But, it isn't the same, is it? 

We have changed. You, me, everyone and everything. We aren't the same as we were last year.

We are constantly evolving. 

It's nice to be able to take stock of our progress, know that we are growing and moving forward, and to voice our desires for our lives.

I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore. 

However, I did make a "More or Less" List.

A "More or Less" List is a list of the things I want more of, and less of, in my life.

Here's what my list looks like:

While we remain "more or less" the same, we can maintain a sense of what we want "more or less" of in life. 

I'm really happy because, as I created this list, I felt that I have already made so much progress in creating "more" of my "more" list and "less" of my "less" list! 

I expect to make even more progress as I continue my journey.

Thanks for joining me.

What would you like "More or Less" of? 

Please share!